Dear The Wolverine subscribers:

We are changing the format of our weekly digital publication, The Wolverine Now.

Click here for more info, and some tips to make the most of your reading experience.

The newsletter was formatted to fit on computers before tablets and smartphones existed. The new approach can now be read on all three devices.  The pages can still be printed or bookmarked for offline reading  (see tips below).

You will receive a pre-game issue each Thursday and a post-game edition each Sunday morning following a Michigan football game.

We welcome your feedback on the newsletter. Send to


Michael Spath
Editor of The Wolverine Now

Click each tab below for some tips on getting the most from the new newsletter:

For easiest navigation using a browser, make sure you click the link in The Wolverine Now banner. It will allow you to easily navigate back and forth between stories.
Printing a web page is just like printing a document. However, there are a few things you can change in your print settings box to save ink and paper, such as omitting headers and footers and maximizing margin settings. We recommend using Firefox because it has the option to remove all extra images. To do this, select all of the content of an article before clicking on Print. Then choose the option to “Print Selection” to remove headers, footers and sidebars.  Here is more info:  FIREFOX   
Here’s how to save a web page on your computer and mobile phone.

How to Save Web Pages for Offline Access Later

If you’re on a desktop computer, saving a web page is simple. Just open up your browser, navigate to the page, and go to File > Save Page As. Save it as “Web Page, Complete” somewhere in your documents. You’ll get an HTML file and a folder full of images and other data contained within (don’t delete this). When you want to see the web page, just double-click on the HTML file and you should be able to see it whether you have a connection or not.

Saving Web Pages on iOS with Offline Pages

If you want to keep a web page for later on iPhone or iPad, open the website or article in Safari. (Safari for iOS 7 and newer supports saving pages in your Reading List.) Tap the Share button. (This is at the bottom of the screen on iPhone and at the top on an iPad. It looks like a square with an arrow coming out of the top.) Tap the “Add to Reading List” button. You can open the Reading List later by tapping the Bookmarks button and then tapping the Eyeglasses icon. This will display a list of all the pages you’ve saved on your Reading List.

Save Web Pages on Android with Offline Browser

If you want to keep a web page for later on Android, just go into your regular browser and navigate to the page you want. Then hit the menu button and click ‘save for offline viewing’. Hit the ‘bookmarks’ button (top right-most icon) and choose the tab ‘Saved Pages’. When you are ready to read it, simply select your saved page.